
Community Resources
Alzheimer’s Association 800-272-3900
Arthritis Foundation 215-564-9800
American Cancer Society 215-985-5400
Aprise (Assistance with Health Insurance Concerns) 215-456-7600
Aid for Friends (Food Pantry) 215-464-2224
Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services 215-560-5700
Catholic Social Services 215-587-3900
Conill Institute for Chronic Illness 215-746-7267
Community Legal Services for Elderly 215-227-2400
Dental Care Program for Seniors 215-468-3866
Disabled American Veterans 215-943-7771
Emergency Shelter Services 215-686-7150
Flu Shots (PA Department of Health) 215-686-5043
LIHEAP Hotline 215-560-1583
Philadelphia County Police (Emergency 911) 215-686-3530
Philadelphia County Fire Department 215-592-5962
Philadelphia County NE MOW 215-745-9066
Philadelphia Corporation for the Aging 215-765-9040
Prescription Assistance- PACE 800-225-7223
Rescue Relief for Seniors 215-426-1977
SEPTA Paratransit 215-580-7145
Social Security 800-772-1213
Utility Emergency Service Fund 215-988-9093
Veterans Administration Center 215-381-3040
Wheels, Inc. (Free transportation for medical visits) 215-563-2000
Children and Youth Services (CYS)
20 S. 69th Street, Upper Darby, PA., Phone: 610-713-2000
531 Penn Street, Chester PA., Phone: 610-447-1000
100 W. 6th Street, Media, PA., Phone: 610-891-5258
CYS investigates all allegations of child abuse and neglect, as mandated by state law. Provides a wide range of services to abused and neglected children from birth to age 18, and their families as well as services to adolescents who are at severe risk due to their behavior or that of their parent. www.co.delaware.pa.us/humanservices/childyouth.html
Domestic Abuse Project
24 hour hotline: 610-565-4590
14 West 2nd Street, Media, PA., Phone: 610-565-6272
2600 W. 9th Street, Chester, PA., Phone: 610-497-6737
Provides immediate crisis intervention, information, support, referrals, emergency, advocacy and support in filing for temporary Protection From Abuse (PFA) orders and representation for clients at permanent PFA hearings. Offers accompaniment and advocacy for victims involved in criminal proceedings against their abusers. Provides shelter to adults and their dependent children at imminent risk of physical abuse. Transitional housing program offers longer term subsidized housing and intensive case management. Short and long term supportive/ educational counseling. www.dapdc.org
Elder Abuse
Phone: 610-490-1300, (After Business Hours) Phone: 610-622-9284
Coordinated through COSA (County Offices of Services to the Aging) If you believe someone is in need of Adult Protective Services, please call the number listed. www.delcosa.org
Family Support Line
100 W. 6th Street, Media, PA., Phone: 610-891-5237
Provides free therapy groups for children and adolescent victims of sexual abuse. Also provides parents therapy group and access to a therapy network. www.familysupportline.org
Life Beyond Abuse
Phone: 610-565-3399
Offers support and treatment to all members of the cycle of abuse. Programs include individual counseling, moderated support groups and assistance to victims involved in custody and visitation issues. www.lifebeyondabuse.org
Delaware County Office of Behavioral Health
Phone: 610-713-2387
Provides mental health court/ delegate services, community advocate. Community Support Program (CSP), and Contingency Fund.
Mental Health Association of Southeastern PA
Phone: 1-800-688-4226, ext. 228
A nonprofit Citizens organization serving adults children and family members through programs and advocacy efforts. www.mhasp.org/
PRO-ACT (Pennsylvania Recovery Organization-Achieving Community Together)
Phone: 1-800-221-6333
A support group of volunteers advocating for the recovery community, their families, and for those still suffering from the disease of addiction. Call to enroll in the family program, which is offer in convenient locations through Delaware County. www.proact.org
SPAN (Suicide Prevention Awareness Network)
Dedicated to preventing suicide through public education, awareness, community action, federal, state and local advocacy. www.spanusa.org
American Day Treatment Center
401 Pilgrim Lane, Suite 100, Drexel Hill, PA., Phone: 1-888-CARE-898
Mental health assessments, partial day hospitalization and intensive outpatient treatment programs. Call for an appointment. http://www.mainlinehealth.org/behavioral
Catholic Social Services
240 N. Springfield Road, Springfield, PA., Phone: 610-626-6550/ 6559
130 E. 7th Street, Chester, PA., Phone: 610-876-9183
Provides family, marital, and individual counseling on a sliding fee scale. www.css-phl.org/index.html
Center for a Healthy World
Phone: 610-664-7793
Free mental health counseling in exchange for community service.
Child Guidance Resource Centers
2000 Old West Chester Pike, Havertown, PA., Phone: 484-454-8700
Provides behavioral healthcare services for children, adolescents and families with mental health, developmental disabilities, and residential needs. www.cgrc.org/
Crozer Chester Medical Center Psychiatry
Phone: 610-874-5257
Mental Health Psychiatric Crisis Centers and Crisis Services:
Project Reach
Phone: 610-352-4703; Emergency beeper: 610-515-6726
A free crisis management service for Delaware County residents. Staff is trained to assist in mental health emergencies, family and school-based emergencies. Phone consultations and on-site assessments provided.
Crozer Chester Medical Center Crisis Services
1 Medical Center Blvd., Upland, PA., Phone: 610-447-7600
Provides 24 hour walk-in crisis services.
Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital Crisis Services
Lansdowne Ave., and Bailey Rd., Darby, PA., Phone: 610-237-4210
Provides 24 hour walk-in crisis services.
New Mouth
Office of Equal Opportunity
Phone: 1-800-669-4000
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Phone: 1-800-254-5164
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission
Phone: 215-560-2496
Community Action Agency
Chester Office Phone: 610-874-8451
Darby Office Phone: 610-583-9133
Media Office Phone: 610-891-5101
Provides employment/ life skills training, housing, utility, emergency, shelter, and food assistance. www.caadc.org
Domestic Abuse Project
Phone: 610-565-6272
24 hour hotline: 610-565-4590
Provides tenant-based transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. www.dapdc.org
Office of Adult Services
Phone: 610-713-2115
Provides and coordinates and variety of services to eligible families and individuals including case management, rent and utility assistance, emergency shelter, transitional housing.
Salvation Army
Chester Location, Phone: 610-874-4266
Emergency food and shelter.
Hair Care Services for Homebound
825 Wilde Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA., 19026, Phone: 610-853-3659
Bernadette Boylan
Phone: 610-659-5039
Stephanie Saravello
Phone: 484-320-8326
ChesPenn Health Services
Adult & Pediatric Services, Chester Community Hospital, 2600 W. 9th Street, Chester, PA., 19013-2098, Phone: 610-859-2059
ChesPenn Health Services
Eastside Health Center, Adult & Pediatric Medical & Dental Services, 125 East 9th Street, Chester, PA., 19013, Phone: 610-872-6131
ChesPenn Center for Family Health
1 South State Rd., Suite A, Upper Darby, PA., 19082, Phone: 610-352-6585
Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital – Ambulatory Clinic
1503 Lansdowne Avenue, 2nd Fl., Darby, PA., 19023, Phone: 610-237-2529
Monday – Friday 12:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
PA Department of Health
Delaware County State Health Center, 151 W. 5th Street, Chester, PA., 19013-3250, Phone: 610-447-3250
Public health clinics, TB, STD, and more
Greater Philadelphia Health Action, Inc
5000 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, PA., 19143, Phone: 215-726-9807
Offers comprehensive primary and behavioral healthcare, health services and childcare. www.gphainc.org
Pennsylvania Health Law Project
Phone: 1-800-274-3258
Provides advocacy, legal assistance, and referral services for issues of access to healthcare coverage. www.phlp.org
Delaware County Medical Society- Phone: 610-892-7750
Crozer Keystone Health Systems- Phone: 1-800-254-3258
Riddle Memorial Hospital Physician Referral- Phone: 610-891-3600
Main Line Health- Phone: 1-866-CALL-MLH (1-866-225-5654) (Bryn Mawr, Lankenau, Paoli & Riddle Hospitals)
Bucks County
County Assistance Office- Phone: 215-781-3300
LIHEAP- Phone: 215-781-3393
Salvation Army- Phone: 215-945-0717
Chester County
County Assistance Office- Phone: 610-466-1000
Chester County Community Development- Phone: 610-344-6900
Chester County Penn Medicine- Phone: 610-431-5000
Delaware County
County Assistance Office- Phone: 610-447-5500
Community Hospital- Phone: 610-494-0700
County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA)
206 Eddystone Avenue, 2nd Fl., Eddystone, PA., Phone: 610-490-1300
Provides community information, in-home, and volunteer services for older adults including the GATEWAY program- (Giving Assessment, Treatment, and Empowerment in the Aging Years), which targets adults 60 & up with behavioral health issues and connects them to appropriate resources. www.delcosa.org
Community Transit of Delaware County
206 Eddystone Avenue, Eddystone, PA., Phone: 610-490-3960
Transportation provided for health care appointments, shopping, and other pre-arranged trips.
Delaware County Board of Assistance- Medical Assistance Applications
Chester Office Phone: 610-447-3015
Darby Office Phone: 610-461-3800
Montgomery County
County Assistance Office, Phone: 610-270-3500
Crisis Services, Phone: 1-855-634-HOPE
Aging & Adult Services (Human Services Center), Phone: 610-278-3601
Philadelphia County
County Assistance Office, Phone: 215-560-5400
Salvation Army, Phone: 215-787-2800
Congreso, Phone: 215-763-8870
Philadelphia County AAA
642 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA. 19130
215-765-9000 website: www.pcacares.org
Bucks County AAA
30 E. Oakland Ave., Doylestown, PA. 18901
267-880-5700 website: www.buckscounty.org/government/HumanServices/AAA
Chester County AAA
601 Westtown Rd., Ste. 320, West Chester, PA. 19380
610-344-6350 website: www.chesco.org/aging
Delaware County AAA
206 Eddystone Ave., Eddystone, PA. 19022
610-490-1300 website: www.delcosa.org
Montgomery County AAA
1430 Dekalb St., Norristown, PA. 19404
610-278-3601 website: www.montcopa.org/148/Aging-Adult-Services
Support Groups
Addiction- Phone: 215-923-7900
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Southeast PA Intergroup Association of AA www.sepennaa.org
Al-Anon/ Alateen- Phone: 1-888-425-2666
A program based on the 12 steps of Alcoholic Anonymous for family and friends affected by someone else’s drinking. www.pa-al-anon.org/
Nar-Anon Family Group- Pennsylvania Hotline: 1-800-678-4989
A program based on the 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous for people who know someone who is addicted.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Delaware County NA Meeting Information- Phone: 610-534-9510
Overeater’s Anonymous
A 12 step recovery program for compulsive overeaters. www.oa.org
A Time To Heal- Phone: 484- 571-8010
Support Group for Children and Teens wo are experiencing a suicide loss.
Childline (Child abuse reporting)- Phone: 1-800-932-0313
Domestic Abuse Project- Phone: 610-565-4590
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- Phone: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Poison Control- Phone: 1-800-222-1222
Project Reach (Mobile Crisis Intervention)- Phone: 610-352-4703. Beeper: 215-515-6726